Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lovely Lovely Laundry


 I guess I am feeling better. I do get intermittent cramps in the gut but otherwise..I am fine! I did a shit load of laundry yesterday. This is a anomaly in our house. Chelsea does her laundry and Fred does the rest. I vetoed the fact of ME ever doing laundry on an everyday basis. I did not want that chore so it is Freds. But every once in awhile, I get in the mood to do it. Natalie`s room looks like a clothing bomb was let off. She was going to be gone all weekend so I cleaned her room (with her permission) and threw away tons of crap but mostly washed clothing. I found some of MY stuff, some of Chelsea`s stuff..hell even some of Fred`s stuff. She is a clothing thief and has been one for a long time. Right now I cannot find a new bra that I bought. It was on sale. I was properly measured and got the right size. It felt great. No gouges. No slippage. LOVE IT! And now it is missing. I think I know who the culprit is and if you have been reading..You do too! I will keep talking about my missing brassiere until it is returned to it`s rightful owner..ME!
 So I did not do her laundry for that reason..I did it cause she was NOT going to and I was in the mood to keep busy. *Read lemon post below*.  I did not have to go to the gym, that's for sure. I went up and down the stairs, lugging baskets back and forth. I am still not even done with it all. But today I am cleaning the kitchen and making fried chicken. I was going to make it yesterday but I got too tired.
 So housework IS exercise if you think about it. Not as good as the machines at the gym but my legs were screaming last night. I did some good.
Now I need to just find my bra!


  1. Housework is definitely excercise. I can attest to that. I run up and down three flights of stairs daily. When peeps talk about stair masters, I tell them, I am the stair master and I've got the calves to prove it. lol ;)

    I hope you find your bra! :)

  2. Hmm! I bought only one when I was sized because I wanted to see how it felt. It felt great! I was going to go out and buy a couple more when I get paid in April. I guess I will have to wear my old ones (that I have not thrown away) until then. I tore the house apart! I know where it is..she is lying to me and I do not like it.
    I am going to be cooking and looking at my seeds today.
