Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This is Ruby. She is the reason I am up at 5:38am. She is a new member to the family. Eight weeks old, mutt thru and thru. I know she is part beagle and Pitt, plus a couple other things. Her parents are medium sized. So that guarantees me that her shits will be enormous! Fuck!
What have I gotten myself into?
The neighbor down the street must have not fixed her two dogs because apparently, they had a litter of six puppies. The woman of the household decided she was going to walk the last three that she had down the street on leashes (do I smell shit?). Natalie and I were on the front porch. We were goners before she came near our house.
She has some pluses already. She knows what adult piss pads are because she is using them. And she woke up at 5am cause her ass needed to shit. And she did it outside..I think what I smell is coffee brewing...She slept on our bed all night but she did tinkle on the top blanket, so that is a minus.
She is lucky she is cute as hell.
All of the animals are cool except for Perla the chihuahua. She is being a grumpy old bitch about it. She keeps staying near me and that is okay. She will get extra love.
Now I need to make a list. I need to get a baby circle to put the puppy in, more Nyla bones, and those kong things to keep her occupied.

Like I said, I am a lunatic.

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