Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chocolate and Pap Smears


I am feeling better this evening in the way of my flying hormones. Phew! This month was a bad one. I do not usually get emotional like that but I guess with everything weighing on me at once, it was bound to happen. All I know is, I want chocolate. And no candybar will do it. I want some cake I think. Too humid to bake at home so I think I will go seek something out after my...pap smear!

  That is right, in the midst of all this mess and tears, I have to go to the Gyno for a annual check up. I have not been in a couple years. I have some questions. I want my hormone levels checked. I think they are lacking. Boy, that is wayyy too much information but I have never held back before. I think my libido needs a boost. I know that it could be better then it has been. I also want to know if the HPPV that I have is one of the cancer causing strains. If I do not have to worry, I should know.
Then there will be the freaking Mammo. Oh yeah, big tits love getting smashed down flat on a plate. You look down and you are horrified. Yup, that is part of my fate for tomorrow morning. I took a bath and I am all perfumed up for tomorrow. Except for this pesky period...
As long as I get my chocolate cake afterward, I should be good!

1 comment:

  1. My appointment was cancelled. The Dr had emergency surgery. Thank goodness. I was not in the mood to deal with pap smear ala period. Yuck! I am rescheduled for Halloween! How fun!

    I did get a sweet afterward. A hummingbird cupcake. So good!
