Friday, August 12, 2011

Sorry I missed you.

She is so posh!


I have had such a busy week and I have been sleeping in that I just plum forgot about posting. I had to even catch up on my Facebook reading. I need a couple extra hours in the day. Lu got her last summer cut yesterday and we decided to do something fun. She has a pink Mohawk and pink running on the tips of her tail (she has a pom pom type tail).
Lu knows she looks good.
The damn mohawk stands up without any product. She was meant to have it. Now..I am NOT turning into one of THOSE dog people. I love my dogs and I spoil them. I know they are dogs. They are not my kids. But she was getting a much needed cut anyhoo..might as well make it fun.

 I have just been busy and tired. We did an hour at the gym on Monday. I have been cleaning and running doing errands. Fred and I went to the casino late one home at 3am and I have been fucked ever since. My friend`s son is in the hospital. It looked bad but he is getting better with antibiotics.
So tomorrow I am going to relax, color my hair, and finish watching Torchwood. Yeah, that sounds like a plan...

1 comment:

  1. omg lu lu looks so FREAKING ADORABLE.. love the little pink fohawk...
