Sunday, November 3, 2013

A woman`s work is never done


  There are a shit ton of leaves to bag plus there are still a shit ton in the trees. We lost two HUGE branches yesterday in the top yard from the storm. We are going to have to hire someone with a chainsaw to break them up.  At least the front walkway is almost completed. I have an extra step and a new railing. I will take pics when all the construction stuff is put away. We bought a used (practically new) washer and dryer set. Now we need an electrician to come and change the plug for the dryer. More money! More money! oh you get the point. Nothing can be easy. And I am in a bad mood. I am not going to get into specifics why but just know that is not cause I have my period. Shit hit the fan yesterday and it is going to take awhile for me to get back in a better mood.
  Christmas is fast approaching and then the end of the year. We are going to have a Christmas but it just wont be super abundant. I do not want to go back to the way it used to be. Simple and easy but with a few presents to make it nice. Not all sad like last year. I am not going to put a tree up until close to Thanksgiving. I am not going all out either. I just want a simple tree and that is all. I need to get the painting done. Hubs and child #2 are major procrastinators. Child #1 just doesn't give a shit. I am just a tired bitch with too much on her plate and do not have the time to do the painting also. I will get to it when I can.
  Today I have to groom the dog, do laundry, clean the kitchen, and vacuum. Yup. That is my Sunday. I am tired of having a dirty house so I have been cleaning it as best as I can. I do not even want to think of all the yard work that I have to do.

  Yeah, I am in a bad mood and it shows. I have nothing nice to say at all. I am going to just do what I have to do and not bother with anyone else. Fuck em.  Like I said, I am not going to say why I am in bad mood but it was enough of a something to kick me into a depressive funk. I am not going to eat my troubles away. Do not worry your pretty little heads over that. I am just going to mope around and read my books. I bought the new Stephen King and the new Wally Lamb and they are both hardcover books. No kindle for this bitch. Well I have one but kid #1 took it. She asked to borrow it and I have not seen it since.

Okay. Enough of this crap. I have housework to do and I am still sitting here. Hopefully the next time I post, I will have pics of the new walkway and I will be in a much better mood. Or at least one of those will be true.

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