Sunday, November 9, 2014

Baby Steps

    I did buy something this week. But it was used so that is a plus. This cost me $20 from one of the FB resale pages. Bought in a pricey neighborhood. Hubs and I struggled to get it in the Jeepo. Okay, I struggled. Very loudly.  It is hefty piece and I am a delicate flower. (i hear you snickering! LOL) It has a few scratches on top but all an all it is a nice piece. This will go in Kid #2`s room. It will be a side table/extra room for clothes. She needs more storage space so this will help her out. It has to be wiped down. So yes..I spent.

   I found another website that is more promising to help me have motivation not to spend. It is called And Then We Saved. I just started reading it but she doesnt seem weird like some of the other places that I have read. This will help me. I am not a dumbbell but sometimes I need guidance on what to do. Point over there and will say..AHHH HAH!!  She has a spending fast set up for a year. Then you learn how much you can save. I really am gonna do this. <---she convinces herself. LOL
I am slowi
ng down my spending now because I will start this Fast on January 1, 2015. That means I will be baking my own birthday cake. Phooey.

I have much to do before it gets cold-er out. I have to bag leaves. I have to start prep for painting and then painting. I have those damn apples to I have to cover windows before the Arctic Chill comes<----gotta order oil. So much so much so much. I would rather sit here and vegetate.

Still vegetating.................................................................................................................................

  I need to get motivated. Time to get up. Change my clothes. And move! Have a great Sunday!

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