Thursday, December 23, 2010

I promised pictures.

Top of first hill
I went walking this morning and it took a little bit over a half hour. Fred went with me and he decided to add something to the route, so it took a little longer and much more bitching on my part.
This first picture is the top of the hill I face every day since 1998. This is the hill that I spun completely around on in the car when it was covered in ice.

Beginning of the son of a bitch hill
This is the bottom of that hill I complain about. The thigh killer. Look as far as your eye can see all the way to the top near that tree cover...where you cannot see sidewalk anymore...See it? I have a continuation picture to that one.

That last telephone pole is Crescent Street
It is kind of a joke between Fred and I. The top of this hill is Crescent street. The Crest of the Fucker! This is about the area where I start really wheezing, bitching and moaning. And not in a good way. Oh Mama I hate this hill. I plan on being able to make it up there with no problems at all.

That first hill in the picture...remember that one? Well when my walk is ALMOST done, I have to face THAT hill but in reverse. This is NOT an optical illusion. I was standing at the bottom and staring up the hill and I took this picture. I took it in the beginning of our walk cause I was afraid I would be too asthmatic to do it later. That house at the top with the Christmas blow up lights their ENTIRE house at night..even the roof! It is pretty cool. I should take a picture to show you. I have to walk this hill to the point of that white house in the right corner..that is my street. The hill continues up up up and there are some college track kids that use it in their exercise.

There you have it. Now you know what the hell I am talking about and that I am not being over dramatic or a big ole baby. This hills are big, steep, and they kick my ass! LOL

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