MonsterFace |
He was a half Siamese and he was my Freecycle cat. Some lady in Willimantic put him up on Freecycle . She said that three other families brought him back because he was too kittenish. He was about 12 weeks old when we got him. She was worried we would bring him back. I told her there was no way. My ass drove all the way out to east bum fuck to get him, he is a keeper! And he was. It was Chelsea`s turn to name the cat and she asked one of her friend`s online what we should call him. They said MonsterFace. I resisted for a bit but it was her turn. We did change the rules after more weird assed names. But the name fit him perfectly...because he was a hellion. He decided that this dollhouse in the picture (Duracraft Marquam Hill Mansion) was HIS and he would swipe at me every time I went to work on it.
He was almost four years old. Monster had an obsession with plastic. He had Pica really bad. I was constantly chasing him around the house to get some stray piece of plastic out of his mouth. That is what did him in unfortunately and I know I should not feel this way but I feel so guilty. I should have paid attention more. He passed away peacefully and he is buried up in our top yard with the other animals that we have loved in our lives. It is just hard because he did not die an old man like my others have. He was still a kid. This one is going to be a bit hard for me to get over.
I guess I will see him over the Rainbow Bridge someday...
Bye Monster
Rest in peace little monster.