Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mother`s Day is a-coming.


 Isnt she the cutest thing? She made me think of Mother`s Day so I decided to post her.  I did not realize that the big day of all Moms was on May 8th this year. My recollection made me think it is in the middle of the month. Oh well. My Mother passed away almost 10 years ago. Fred has to do for his Mother. I do not want to talk about Mother`s Day cause my family does not have a good track record..that is all I am saying.
  I went to the community garden yesterday. Chelsea was there setting up to teach a class and she was keeping me company while I planted. I planted two types of beets, spinach, mesculin, and bibb lettuce. I am going to try my hand at growing some cantelopes but I have to start them indoors first. That will be interesting if I can actually do that! It was a nice warm sunny day for it. Today is more gloomy and soupy. I hope it rains.
 I am off to the Endo this morning to find out about my bad blood sugars and new meds or insulin. I am hoping for meds but we shall see. The periodontal disease is making it really hard to control my sugars. I feel like crap all the time so maybe he can help me.
 Found out yesterday that a family member has passed away. Fred`s Uncle had some sort of cancer..they never did tell us which kind..that spread fast. He is not suffering anymore. Rest in Peace, Dinky!  Fred and I just dislike the way we found out. I was online at 2pm and read from one of his niece`s walls that he had died.  Fred called his Mom and texted his brother to get confirmation. No call or text back.  Family members posted on FB about him and his death in the evening. Still no phone call from anybody to notify Fred. He is very very upset about the whole thing. It is a rotten way to find out that someone you were close to in your life has died. Eventually we did get a call in the evening. But it was kind of too late. I was sad and mad yesterday. Awful combination. Now I am just sad and resigned. 
  We found out something about Fred`s dizziness. It is not Meneire`s disease. He failed the course of pills to make him feel better. So the ENT has no clue what is wrong. They have referred him to a specialist at Yale and we go in the middle of May. They have more testings and they have surgeries that can be done if it comes to that. I hope they find out what is wrong and that it is not something serious.

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