Wednesday, March 23, 2011



I wanted to post a few recipes/blog sites that Chelsea turned me onto.
The first one is called HipsterFood. It IS a vegan website BUT it has beautiful pictures and some really good recipes to try. Chelsea has been vegan for over 5 years now so she has shown me many websites with food. This one is visually yummy and it does not hit you over the head with the no meat and dairy.

The second one is 101 cookbooks. It is also Vegan but she (her name is Heidi too) has so many recipes that you can adapt to your everyday carnivore menu. I want her New year Noodle soup so badly right now!
The third place is what she showed me yesterday. It is called Smitten Kitchen. It is not a vegan site but Chelsea can adopt some of the recipes as her own. I have not gotten through the whole site yet but I like what I see so far.
Lastly is a site that I like very much.  It is called Barefoot Kitchen Witch. She does so much more then show you recipes. She takes lovely pictures also. I visit there as often as think about it.

I hope you enjoyed my sharing. I thought about sharing before but I kept forgetting..
Oh..I am guessing you all know about That is a staple here in this house too.

Okay, I need to stop now and get some sort of non puke inducing food..TaTa

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